Triplex - Anti Corrosive - High Heatresisting

In the day-to-day life and in industries in general we come across many surface where painting has been a problem due to weather conditions, surface and surrounding conditions etc. One of the main problem is that of Heat. Wherever the surface is in contact with high temperature the normal enamel paint will CRACK & PEEL OFF. Due to this the surface will come into direct contact with the atmosphere and other corrosive fumes giving rise to CORROSION of various nature to counter this effect we have developed Star Triplex (C) High Heat Resisting Paint. It is based on silicone / Ceramics resins and thermally stable pigments. It is formulated specifically to protect metal surfaces operating at higher temperature. Easy to apply and air drying . Outstanding heat and weathering resistance . Excellent colour Stability. Outstanding resistance to thermal shock. Excellent bond to stainless steel, without need to abrasive blast.



Star Triplex High Heat Resisting paint is now accepted as the most suitable anti-corrosive protection for application on:-

  • Transformers

  • Gas Works Installation Structural Steel Work

  • Pylons

  • Stacks, Breechings, boiler Casings

  • Refinery Equipment – Heaters, Crackers

  • Reformers

  • Furnaces, Kilns, Ovens

  • Compressors, Turbines, Engines,

  • Piping, Pumps, Manifolds

  • Process Vessels, Heat Exchangers

  Application Equipment

Conventional spray is the recommended method of application, however it may also be applied by airless spray, brush or roller. Do not apply Triplex Paint in heavier films than specified since blistering may occur.



Formulated for use as supplied . DO NOT THIN.



Redispere any settled – out pigments by stirring with a paint paddle followed by thorough mixing to an uniform consistency with an explosion-proof or air-driven power mixer. Do not open containers until ready to use. Keep lid on container when not in use.


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