Champion - UV Resisting Paint


Selection & Specification Data
Generic Type Single-package Polysiloxane Enamel
Description High-performance tough, hard wearing finish coat

Excellent Flexibility, abrasion Resistance, Superior Gloss and Colour Retention Provides Long Term cosmetic Performance when applied over 2 coats of same paint Air-dries to touch (full film formation properties occurs after curing)

Color Various Shades As Per Requirement
Finish Bright, Smooth & Lustrous.
Flash Point About 300 C
Primers Self Priming also can be used with inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer.
Dry Film 50 microns / per coat
No. of coats 2 coats minimum
Application temperature Room Temperature, above Dew point
Solids %  70%
Theoretical 10 m2 / liter/Per Coat
VOC Values As Supplied
Dry Temp. Resistance 2000 C

Do not use for immersion service.
Do not exceed thickness recommendation.

Substrates & Surface Preparation

ST3 / SP 11 (Powertool Cleaning)
Surfaces must be clean and dry. Free from dirt, dust, oil and all other contaminants

Application Equipment
General Guidelines

The following methods has been found suitable for application of this material.

  1. Conventional Spray

  2. Brush & Roller

Brush Use a medium bristle brush.
Mixing & Thinning
Mixing Power mix until uniform in consistency. Avoid excessive air entrapment.
Thinning Normally not required.

This product simply requires the substrate temperature to be above the dew point. Condensation due to substrate temperatures below the dew point can cause flash rusting on prepared steel and interfere with proper adhesion to the substrate.

Curing Schedule
Substrate Temprature Dry to Touch Dry to Topcoat Itself Dry to handle Final Cure
250oC 1 hour 8 hours 10 hours 24 Hrs at 250oC

These times are based on a 50 micron dry film thickness. Higher film thickness, insufficient ventilation or cooler temperatures will require longer cure times and could result in solvent entrapment and premature failure. Excessive humidity or condensation on the surface during curing can interfere with the cure, can cause discoloration. During high humidity conditions, it is recommended that the application be done while Temperatures are increasing. If the final cure time is exceeded, the surface must be abraded prior to the application of additional coats.

Storage (General) Store indoors
Shelf Life/Storage

1 year from date of manufacturing.
Should be stored in a dry, cool, shaded premises.
Tins should not be direct in contact with sunlight.


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